What we do

Learn more below

As unique as you are

Our approach to working with you is as flexible and as unique as you are, so your requirements allow us to create coaching and training that works specifically for you, whether as an individual, team or organisation.

Have a look below at what we do and the kinds of programmes we offer - coaching, training, equity, diversity and inclusion - and let's discuss ways in which we might work together so that you get exactly what's right for you. 

There's also information about our Inclusion Fund.



It starts with you.

Watch this short animation about how the work we do with individuals and organisations makes a wider difference.

'Since doing the course, I feel I have re-connected with my confidence. I honestly believe in my abilities and I understand my why, what and how.'

Our approach is always person-centred, ensuring that your well-being is our priority. We fund our work in different ways. Sometimes it involves partnerships with charities and social enterprises, such as DaDaFest, allowing us to offer low-cost coaching and training. Some of our work sees us applying for direct funding to support programmes of activity. Sometimes, employers or organisations commission us to work with them and their teams. It varies.

What doesn't vary is our dedication to reaching people who do not normally have the opportunity to receive such training and coaching. 

More about us

Community Interest Companies (CICs) are businesses run with a clear, stated community benefit. Ours states that ResultCIC aims:

'To promote inclusion by working with people who are socially excluded. Our priority is to work with, but is not limited to:

  • disabled people or those with long-term/life-limiting physical or mental illnesses
  • young people from diverse excluded backgrounds
  • recent immigrants
  • LGBT people

We use our diverse, wide and deep experience to create an open and safe environment in which people can learn and develop.'

The Company can only use profits and assets for the good of the community. This means that the directors cannot use assets or benefit from large profits.

Find out who we are

Result is run by Hormoz Ahmadzadeh and Jane Cordell and a group of dedicated associates.

All of us have lived experience of marginalisation.

More info

Company Reg Number: 8096008

© Result CIC 2023 All Rights Reserved

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